Canadian Economy Soars Beyond Pre-Pandemic Numbers

Canadian Visa Expert

With an additional 157,000 new jobs added to the Canadian economy in September 2021, Statistics Canada reported that employment numbers are enough to be above where they were before the global pandemic began. The massive Canadian job surge far exceeded the 60,000 new positions economists predicted. Moreover, the increase helped the unemployment rate drop to […]

Highly Educated Immigrants Find Opportunities Working in Canada

Canadian Visa Expert

Canada is the top choice in a recent survey of over 200,000 people in 190 countries around the world. One immigrant from Calcutta, India, was searching for an English-speaking country, that had a warm attitude toward immigrants, and was a tolerant society with excellent schools. Ronnie Banerjee chose Canada over the US and Britain to […]

Statistics Canada Reports 259,000 Jobs Added in February

Canadian Visa Expert

The labor market in Canada is roaring back to life after the government has lifted lockdowns. The country’s economic resilience to the second wave of the global pandemic is shining through. According to Statistics Canada, close to 260,000 jobs were added in February 2021, far ahead of the predictions for a 75,000 increase. February was […]

Canada Ranked Top Expat Worker Destination


When people from 190 countries were asked what country they would be willing to relocate to for a job, Canada was the top choice. The response to the global pandemic by the Canadian government helped edge the country past the US on the report. Australia, ranked very closely behind the US, also did a better […]

Survey Ranks Canada as Top Relocation Destination

Canadian Visa Expert

Canada has been ranked as the most desirable destination for overseas workers, passing the United States. The poll surveyed 209,000 people in 190 countries, asking if and where respondents would relocate to for work. The report said the US was hurt by an inconsistent pandemic response, social unrest, and the adoption of more nationalistic policies. […]

Canada Added Over 27,000 Jobs in May

The Canadian unemployment rate dropped to 5.4 percent in May, compared with 5.7 percent in the previous month. There were an additional 27,700 full-time jobs added to the economy. The average the economists in Canada expected was far below the actual figures. According to Thomson Reuters Eikon, the prediction for May was an addition of […]

Quebec Employment at Highest Level Since 1976

According to Statistics Canada’s latest report, the unemployment rate in Quebec dropped by 1.2% in July 2017 to 5.8%, which is the lowest since 1976. In addition (also in July), Montreal’s jobless rate reached its lowest in over a decade. According to Stefane Marion, chief economist at the National Bank, “That compares to 44,000 in […]