How Many Canadians Volunteered in 2018?

Volunteering is good for others, but also for ourselves, for our soul. The Canadian people know this and they often engage in volunteering activities. In 2018, about 24 million people formally volunteered (i.e. in organizations, associations, etc.). Isn’t that an amazing statistic? Read more about volunteering in Canada in the following heartwarming infographic from Statistics […]
How Many Canadians Speaks French at home?

“Parlez vous Francais”? Translation: “Do you speak French?”. If you considering moving to Canada, maybe you should start, Because according to the Canadian Census, 8.2 million Canadians speak French at home. More intersteing data about French speaking Canadians can be found in the Census website. Do you speak French and thinking about moving to […]
Syrian Refugees Receive Help from Canadian Woman

Shahnaz Hamo, Rezan Iso, and young son, Ali, came to Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, in the fall of 2016 after escaping from Syria
Students in British Columbia Learn About Canadian Immigration

Burnaby North Secondary students in Grade 10 were asked questions to inspire a special art and social studies project. They were to imagine an old train station, early in the 20th century.
Immigrant from Nicaragua Happy to Become a Canadian

Duane Omeir immigrated to Canada, becoming a Canadian citizen in September 2017. “It’s the sense of security here, which is a big part,” said Omeir. He went on to tell that in his former country, windows were barred, and at banks, there were no walls separating you and the bank teller. “It is just a […]
Canada Looks Forward to Continuing Relationships with Immigrants

According to Ahmed Hussen, Canada was built on immigrants and the country needs those immigrants to continue with economic growth and the building up of Canada. Hussen is the Minister of Immigration in Canada, and he was recently interviewed by Business Insider where he spoke freely of his desire to continue working with foreign nationals.