Canadian Visa Expert: Canadian Immigration

Canadian Immigration Support Grows Stronger During Pandemic

Canadians are becoming more accepting and open to refugees and immigrants, even with the uncertain times caused by the pandemic

Over the past year, their views toward immigration have become more favorable than in the last forty years, according to a survey from the University of Ottawa. The poll showed 66 percent of Canadians reject the idea that immigration levels are too high in the country.

Canadians’ opinions are stronger about the idea, with 39 percent saying they strongly do not side with the remark, “Overall, there is too much immigration to Canada.” The feelings are across the board in the country and among various demographics. Canadians not only welcome immigration, but celebrate diversity.

Of Canadians Don't Think that Immigration Levels are too High
0 %

If you and your family are thinking of relocating to Canada, you can contact Canadian Visa Expert for help applying for the required visa to live and work in the country.

It may be thought that through the pandemic, while Canadians were out of work and confined to their homes, they may look down on immigration. But this was not the case, and the shutdown has not diminished the population’s openness.

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The overall positive outlook is significant, because it is not limited to a certain part of the population. A senior associate of Environics said, “We see this kind of positive trend in almost every region and demographic group we’ve identified, so it is not limited to simply east versus west, or only young people”.

Canada is at the top of the list for a place people want to live. Contact Canadian Visa Expert for help with the visa process. They will answer any questions you have.