Highly Educated Immigrants Find Opportunities Working in Canada
Canada is the top choice in a recent survey of over 200,000 people in 190 countries around the world. One immigrant from Calcutta, India, was searching for an English-speaking country, that had a warm attitude toward immigrants, and was a tolerant society with excellent schools. Ronnie Banerjee chose Canada over the US and Britain to […]
How often do Adult Canadians Visit their Parents? Read Now!
(Disclaimer: The data presented in this article should not make you feel guilty. We only posted it in order to present the Canadian way of life. If you still feel guilty, you may want to travel to visit your parents). Canadians are a family people. How do we know that? Because even though the distances […]
Canada Ranked Top Expat Worker Destination
When people from 190 countries were asked what country they would be willing to relocate to for a job, Canada was the top choice. The response to the global pandemic by the Canadian government helped edge the country past the US on the report. Australia, ranked very closely behind the US, also did a better […]
Thousands of People from Hong Kong Are Moving to Canada
Vancouver and other Canadian cities are receiving a second generation of Hong Kongers leaving their homeland for refuge from political uncertainty. The difference from when their parents came in the 1980s and 90s is this group is making the move permanent. The Canadian cities are magnets for people wanting out of China and its tightening […]
5 Benefits of Toronto, Canada
Anyone who has visited Toronto can attest that it is a great city and there is a lot to love about it. What exactly makes up the charm of Toronto? We can think of a few things. But in the end, it is the people, nature and values of the city that make it so […]
Canada Does a Good Job of Integrating Immigrant Children
Canadian public schools make sure the students don’t just get the language and support academically; they celebrate the home cultures of the immigrants as well.
New Program Seeks Immigrants for Canada’s Atlantic Region
A new immigration pilot program in Atlantic Canada aims to draw immigrants to the area. The four Atlantic provinces which participate in the new program are P.E.I., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland.
Young Immigrants in Canada Receive Higher Education
A professor in Canada reported that children of immigrants in Canada are more likely to get a post-secondary education than children of non-immigrant Canadians.