Recent Data Shows Over One Million Canadian Job Openings

Before March 2022, Canada had been experiencing a reduction in the number of job vacancies. The narrative changed in March when there was an all-time high in vacant positions. There are many opportunities available for you and your family living in Canada. There are many opportunities available for you and your family living in Canada. Contact […]
Watch: What is Canadian Visa Expert?

Canadian Visa Expert has many satisfied customers who have managed to emigrate to Canada. However, when people first hear about our society they do not exactly understand what we are doing- how do we help so many people immigrate to Canada? In this video you will find, in a nutshell, all the answers. Watch the […]
Ranking of Canadian Universities with the Best Reputation

A recent survey asked senior administrators and faculty of universities along with several businesspeople across Canada for their outlook on the innovation and quality of Canadian universities. All types of universities were evaluated, including Comprehensive, Medical Doctoral, and Primarily Undergraduate. The online questionnaire asked respondents to rate the universities in three categories: most innovative, leaders […]
Watch: Why Immigrate to New Brunswick?

Beautiful views, friendly population, high quality of life and lots of employment options – what more could you ask for? Life in New Brunswick is an amazing experience, which is why so many immigrants choose to move there. Watch the following video for more details: If you, too, are dreaming of migrating New Brunswick […]
How did Canadians spend their time online in 2020?

Ahh, the year 2020. it will be remembered forever as a year of uncertainty, epidemic, and most importantly – the years pf lots of hours on the internet. Canadians also spent many more hours online in 2020. From quarantine to Isolation, here are the Canadain Internet Use Data for 2020, brought to you by the […]
Did You Know That Canadians Have Been Drinking More Beer in the Past Year?

Canadians love to celebrate. The Canada statistics website site published surprising statistics on the Canadian drinking habits. Maybe this is the impact of the Covid-19 crisis, but the average Canadian drank an average of 9.5 drinks a week in 2020! Another surprising statistic from the article is that the average alcohol consumption in Canada has […]
Watch: What are the Criteria for Immigration to Canada?

As in any country that opens its gates to immigrants, Canada also has certain criteria that immigrants must meet. Thats true- every visa application has its own criteria, but the basis of the criteria is the same. Want to know more? Watch the video we made for you on this importent subject: Even if […]
Watch: Can CanadianVisaExpert Guarantee Getting a Visa to Canada?

Watch the new video from. Can signing up for the Canadian Visa Expert Immigration Service guarantee a visa to Canada? Watch and find out. We at Canadaian Visa Expert promise to do everything we can to help you understand what is the best way for you to immigrate to Canada. Contact us today.
Refugees Approved for Relocation to Canada Under Sponsorship Plan

Mosaic, a non-profit migrant and refugee settlement service in Canada, has dedicated all of its private sponsorship spots to refugees held in indefinite detention. The refugees held in Australia’s offshore processing system in Nauru and Papua New Guinea have been in detention for close to seven years. Due to the length of time, the mental […]
How Many Canadians Have an Internet Connection?

The “Statistics Canada” Facebook page posted the result of a surprising survey: It turns out that by 2020, almost half a million Canadians had a mobile data plan but no home Internet connection. Half a million out of 37.9 million is not much, and we are sure that in Canada – a technological and advanced […]