Canadian Visa Expert: Victoria

Move to Victoria: The World’s #5 Best Small City!

Victoria, British Columbia, is one of the top “small cities” in the world

A UK-based magazine that explores worldwide urban culture examined cities with less than 250,000 people to compile their Small Cities Index. The cities in the report are described as cities that are well-connected and offer excellent business opportunities, access to nature, and a welcoming culture. The index put Victoria as number five, jumping from number sixteen last year. Canada is home to several charming small cities that are a great place to raise a family.

If you are looking for this kind of home, contact Canadian Visa Expert. They will walk you through each step of the immigration process. 

Maximum Population for Small Cities Reviewd

The charm of Victoria is different from the lost feeling of living in a large metropolis. The city has a progressive mayor who has pushed initiatives to attract foreigners and young Canadians, such as bike lanes around the city and free bus passes for children. The city has a diversified economy with financial-services, food scene, ocean-research sectors, and the literary scene. There are many opportunities for businesses to thrive in the city, as well. 

If you are looking for a culturally diverse and small welcoming town to raise your family, contact Canadian Visa Expert. Their team of professionals understands the challenges of relocating to a new country and will walk with you through the process.